CO-CREATION: let's build the future of health together - Helaglobe

CO-CREATION: let’s build the future of health together

People with pathology are often the first to know their needs. That is why we involve them in the design and development of physical or digital projects and solutions that can meet their needs, simplify the management of the disease or daily life.

What is co-creation with experts and people with pathology

Healthcare co-creation is an inclusive and “values-based” approach that focuses on bringing different actors together around issues of shared interest. It starts with the idea that everyone is an expert on one issue or another, but is first and foremost an expert on their own life.

As a generative method, co-creation allows for more latent knowledge to emerge: hopes, dreams, insights that do not yet have the right words, but are critical to arriving at the perfect solution.

Therefore, developing a health solution together with patients makes that solution more fitting and appropriate to their specific needs.

The benefits of healthcare co-creation

Co-creation offers numerous benefits for both people with pathology and companies.

The benefits for people with pathology

  • Increased effectiveness of interventions: Customized solutions that adhere to their needs.
  • Satisfaction and empowerment: Active participation in one’s own care and increased awareness.
  • Innovation and customization: Access to innovative solutions tailored to their specifics.
  • Understanding and trust: Stronger relationships with health professionals and an atmosphere of mutual trust.

The benefits for companies

  • Brand Strengthening: Brand association with values of innovation, social responsibility and patient orientation.
  • Increased competitiveness: Development of unique and differentiating solutions in the market.
  • Better understanding of patients’ needs: More informed decisions and development of more effective products and services.
  • Cost reduction: Early identification of potential problems, process optimization, increased adherence and effectiveness significantly decrease costs.
Foto di mani che si incontrano in segno di co-creazione

Helaglobe's co-created solutions

We have been actively and evidence-based listening to people with pathology for more than 10 years and are able to understand their needs.

Through the steps of listening to needs, co-designing and co-testing with patients, we build solutions that meet people’s real needs, improving their experience of care.

We have realized that making them active participants in our – and your – projects engages them in an unparalleled way. When people perceive that they have helped accomplish something, they feel proud, purposeful, and eager to get involved in managing their own health.

Helaglobe Solution Platforms

Discover more services from Patient Solution

We develop different types of innovative, affordable, and customized solutions to meet the needs of people with diseases and their caregivers.


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